Friday, 5 November 2010

ICIDS 2010 Edinburgh

Martin Rieser was invited to participate on an expert panel in lively day workshop at Edinburgh University as part of ICIDS 2010: The third International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Janet Murray author of Hamlet on the Holodeck joined the workshop: Towards a Shared Vocabulary for Interactive Digital Storytelling via Skype link from Atlanta. 

The workshop addressed the diversity of theoretical concepts and associated critical terminology used to describe digitally mediated forms of interactive narrative. Scholars and practitioners in the interdisciplinary area of Interactive Digital Storytelling, who originally trained in a specific field often continue to use the terminology they are familiar with, which often causes misunderstandings - both in the internal discussion in the field of Interactive Storytelling Design and the external one with researchers from more traditional fields within the humanities and computer sciences. 

Specifically the workshop addressed this topic by:
  • reviewing some particularly ambiguous terms – such as story and plot – and their specialized meaning according to the disciplinary context
  • applying them to a mini-corpus of works,
  • discussing possible avenues for establishing a shared vocabulary.
The results of the workshop was presented to the panel of experts who reacted to the results and contributed their take on the problem..

Hartmut Koenitz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mads Haahr, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Gabriele Ferri, University of Bologna, Italy
Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen, Istanbul University, Turkey

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